HOME > Contact


If you have any comments or inquiries regarding Agent Professional, please feel free to contact us.
Please use the inquiry form.

・For inquiries by email, please apply using the form below.

・If you do not enter the correct information, your response may be delayed or we may not be able to respond.

・Customers who wish to purchase medical equipmentPurchase application formPlease contact us.

・Please use the form below to inquire about the disposal of equipment due to the reduction or closure of hospitals.

・For products that are out of stock on our website (product requests), please contact us using the form below.

・Consultation on purchasing medical equipment at the time of opening(New / used composite / cost reduction proposal)Please contact us using the form below.

Please fill in the form below and click the "Confirm input details" button.

MandatoryItems marked are required to be entered.


example) Yamada Taro

Company name, hospital name, corporate name,
School name, group name, etc.
post codeMandatory

(Please enter in half-width numbers) example) 123-0001


example) 1-2-3 Kyobashi, Chuo-ku ○○ Building 1F

phone numberMandatory

(Please enter in half-width numbers from the area code) example) 03-1234-5678

Fax number

(If you have a fax number, please enter it as much as possible) example) 03-1234-5678

Extension number

(Please enter in half-width alphanumerical characters)

email addressMandatory

(Half-width alphanumerical characters) Please be careful not to make a mistake. example) aaa@bb.cc.co.jp

E-mail address re-enterMandatory

(Half-width alphanumerical)

Inquiry itemsMandatory
Inquiry Product name

(In case of product inquiry, please enter the product name)

Inquiry contentMandatory
Authentication confirmationMandatory

Please enter "kurosai"